Yesterday, the Liberal Party of Canada posted a news release on their
website calling for the Canadian government not to "pick and choose when to intervene on behalf of its citizens abroad."
Dion then proceeds to advocate on behalf of Omar
Khadr, the terrorist and alleged murderer currently being held at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, as if supporting him were the same thing as the recent support offered by the government of Canada towards Brenda Martin, who had been incarcerated in Mexico.
This is a completely
ludicrous, naive, and dangerous political position to adopt. Omar
Khadr and his entire family are dangerous and should be considered enemies of the Canadian state and way of life. The reason why he is in
Guantanamo Bay in the first place is because he
was captured fighting for the terrorist organizations of the Taliban and Al
Qaeda in Afghanistan. Not only was he fighting on behalf of an oppressive and evil regime, he also is believed to have murdered an
American soldier with a grenade.
Brenda Martin, on the other hand, worked as a chef for a man responsible for a fraud scheme. Although evidence was tenuous, she was convicted in the matter for accepting a severance payment from her employer which originated through the fraud scheme.
Brenda Martin is the type of Canadian we should be
supporting abroad; Omar
Khadr is most
definitely not. There is a large distinction between being a side player in a fraud scheme and participating in a terrorist organization and murdering an American soldier.
It is imperative that Canada retain the ability to pick and choose who is deserving of our support abroad. Terrorists and murderers do not deserve the protection and privileges of the Canadian state.