Wednesday, November 7, 2007

More Aggravation!!

This morning, I was in one of my classes, and this guy sat down next to me, and he seemed nice enough and everything, and we were getting along pretty well, just chatting randomly, nothing in particular. We got along, that is, until, he said that the Prime Minister was "ruining" Canada. According to him, Canada is "undertaxed" and we spend "far too little" money on social programs...

Wow, just wow...

Well of course I immediately took the opportunity to correct him of this opinion - however, I didn't do a very good job of doing so. I explained that the Conservative Government and Prime Minister Harper were helping Canadians be leaving more of their hard-earned tax dollars with them, rather than using the money on social spending with the sol goal of buying votes and campaign volunteers as the Liberals did every single year they were in power.

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