Thursday, July 31, 2008

Does the Liberal Party not Know Carolyn Bennet Paid Down Her Debt???

In light of this week's decision by Elections Canada to give the former leadership contenders more time to pay off their debt, I decided to look at what the Liberal Party was doing to help them. I noticed that the Liberals' contribution website also encourages people to donate to help them with their debts. One problem with this, is their collecting money on behalf of Carolyn Bennett, a candidate who has already paid off her debt:

Is the Liberal Party just so incompetent and clueless that they don't know who still owes money and who doesn't? Or maybe, they just assume Bennett would still be in debt on the basis that all but one of the other candidates are in debt? After all, the Liberal Party that doesn't seem to mind borrowing money and going into debt?


Anonymous said...

No, they just hope that people will be stupid enough to donate to her anyway.

Anonymous said...

When will Peter McKay reveal who the Sugar Daddy was that paid off his $5,000,000 debt?