Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Perhaps Belinda Stronach was too Poor to Donate??

Yesterday, I publicized the fact that Stephane Dion failed to donate to the Liberal Party in 2007, all while encouraging rank-and-file members of the Party to give generously. But, he's not the only one; several prominent prominent members gave either nothing at all or very minor donations. So today, I'm going to unmask them as well. All data was obtained through Elections Canada's searchable online records.

Prominent Liberals who gave ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the Liberal Party in 2007:
1. Belinda Stronach
2. Denis Coderre
3. Garth Turner
4. Ralph Goodale
5. Martha Hall Findlay
6. Wayne Easter
7. Dominic Leblanc
8. Mauril Belanger
9. David McGuinty
10. Keith Martin

Prominent Liberals who gave LESS THAN HALF THE MAXIMUM ($1100)
1. Michael Ignatieff ($462.60)
2. Ruby Dhalla ($462.56)
3. Hedy Fry ($382.24)
4. Paul Szabo ($255.27)

In addition to the above mentioned names, 31 other Liberals gave zero dollars to their party and 16 gave less than half the maximum donation. Keep in mind that each of these individuals earns at least $147 thousand.

How can the Liberals expect Canadians to support them financially when even they won't write a cheque to their so-called Victory Fund?


Babylonian777 said...

Not to float my own boat, but when I was earning 40,000.00 anum, I gave like 750$ to the cons. I don't want to spout the "hollier then thou" reference, but you would think that some of those fat cats could pony up a bit.

Babylonian777 said...

Just curious, could you run a search for Paul Martin, Jean Chretien, and Justyn Trudeau?

jad said...

Great piece of digging - much too complicated of course for the MSM.

How many Liberals actually gave the full amount ? I'm betting not very many.

Anonymous said...

TangoJuliette sez:

Typical Lib stuff. To wit: Greg Sorbara - emerging slumloard, and Ont Lib MPP and sometime Cabinet minister.

The Libs will gladly spend all OUR cash to solve all manners of social ills plagueing this land.

Spend their own dime? Are you outta your freaking mind??

Iwould hope that when the conservative figures come tumbling out, that the kids of the Blue Brigade end up looking just a tad more generous. You think??

Hey, how bout the various Lib Doctors and Lawyers and past Cabinet Ministers?

McCallum? Dryden? Maria Minna? Bryson? Dr. Fry? The CBC actress come MP for Northern Manitaoba? That whole gang?

I would imagine that of the bunch, Dryden would come out closest to the top. Coupla reasons. I'm a Montrealias. Kenny was a decent Habs backstop. Too bad he couldn't be bothered to learn the FrancoSpeak, however. Plus, I suspect that his Dad taught him well.Very fine and Charitable outfit did Ken's father start, many years ago. Ken has often struck me as a good guy in the wrong party.

But have you not noticed how the "Party of Bi'n'Bi,"
ivariably produces a bunch of unilingual unitards, with many of the allegedly bilingual ones usually incomprehensible in both official langages.

c'est to rire, trop boo-coo!



Platty said...

The reason for the lack of donations is that they all had already reached the limit they could donate for the year....

... with their donations to the Conservative Party of Canada.


Anonymous said...

Wonder if Pablo gave any money - or did his friends at the CBC donate for him!...

Anonymous said...

Strange thing to be obsessed about. Harper did not give to his party....perhaps we should check out all political parties - or is this just a Liberal bash fest.

Get a life.

Platty said...

Harper did not give to his party....

He couldn't, there was too much cash in the till at the time!

Boo hoo hoo I support the broke ass Liberal Party of Canada. Yeah, I'd post under anonymous too...


Babylonian777 said...

"Strange thing to be obsessed about. Harper did not give to his party....perhaps we should check out all political parties - or is this just a Liberal bash fest.

Get a life."

I think he's just mad because....

...Jean Chretien: not in database
Justin Trudeau: not in database

I mean, if I were a liberal, that would be a heart-breaker.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, could you run a search for Paul Martin, Jean Chretien, and Justyn Trudeau?

Let me add to my curiosity : BOB RAE and the famous appointed senators since most of them are liberals.
How much did the MSM contributed to the liberal party-they must have since they are protecting the liberals with every ounce of their being.


Anonymous said...

what does it tell you that such prominent members will not part with their own dollars to support their party but will hit up ordinary Canadians in an effort to do the same.

Really quite a sick double standard don't you think?

Anonymous said...

The lieberal party of Canada is the new penthouse pinky socialist party,you know the you pay for it and WE will enjoy it crowd. Hot East Coaster

Marginalized Action Dinosaur said...

Why should the liberals give money?

Isn't that what taxpayers are for, remember Chretien isn't to blame.

Anonymous said...

Strange thing to be obsessed about. Harper did not give to his party....perhaps we should check out all political parties - or is this just a Liberal bash fest.

Not that there is anything wrong with a Liberal bash fest, but PM Harper gave $1,100 in 2007, the maximum.

Anonymous said...

The guy who said Harper did not donate to the Conservatives was wrong. Harper donated the maximum allowed to both the national party and his local riding association. All the details are available at the Elections Canada website.

OMMAG said...

The Guy who said....

Was just plain talking crap.

Good post there Queen!

Anonymous said...

get a life people, politicians of all stripes donate a hell of a lot more than $$ to their parties... family time, sleep, other higher paid jobs, and countless other perks in life are given up to better serve you. (and please don’t make some wise-ass crack about how you don’t need them.. healthy political discourse requires all view points to be seen and heard)