Monday, May 26, 2008

Quebec Politicians Need to Back Off and Let the American Film Industry Make Its Own Business Decisions

According to, many Quebec politicians, including the ADQ, are demanding that the American film industry dub their films into French in Quebec. They would be willing to see a law passed forcing this to occur, unless the industry is willing to cave into their demands.

This is absolutely ludicrous and ridiculous! The government of Quebec has no right or business whatsoever placing demands on an independent and foreign industry. What's next? Dictating the content of Hollywood films to their specifications??

The film industry needs to be free to make their own business decisions. If they see economic justification for dubbing a film into French in Quebec, then they will do it. If they don't, then they shouldn't be forced to do so.


Anonymous said...

They WON'T be forced to do so. Quebec is gonna get bitchslapped on this one and they deserve to be. All Hollywood will do is say "oh? Is that right? Well then we just won't distribute films there then. At All."

Watch all the theaters go out of business. See the mad dash for the Ontario border when the new Batman film comes out. See the Quebec government pour millions into a home-grown film industry that produces nothing but MORE sanctimonious crap.

It's about time Quebec starts getting its ass kicked. They've been capitulated to for FAR too long. It's time for them to wake up and realize that they're not the centre of the universe and the world does NOT hang on their every whim.

Ugh... can we have a referendum to kick them OUT?

Anonymous said...

If they think that the movie industry is going to dun movies just for their small market they had better get out of fantasy land and quick. There is one "King's" French language and hundreds of dialects - like the Quebec one.

When will they grow up and see the world the way it really is?

Anonymous said...

This is like Newfoundland demanding that the next James Bond movie be dubbed into Newfie-slang because they don't understand UK English...