Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cadman Tape Doctored!

The Conservatives have presented evidence to the media that the tape made by author Tom Zytaruk on the subject of allegations that the conservatives made offers to MP chuck Cadman in exchange for his support in a 2005 confidence vote against the Liberals has been proven to be a fake tape!

Recently broken in The Globe and Mail, the story confirms that the tape which the Liberals have been using to smear and slander the Conservatives is incomplete and doctored through the deliberate insertion of a sound clip into the tape.

the Liberals will now have to answer a serious of serious questions:
1. Did they know the tape was doctored?
2. How long have they been using the tape knowing it was doctored?
3. Who is responsible for this?
4. When will the Liberals apologize for their slanderous attacks and misrepresentation of the Prime Minster, Conservative officials, and the Conservative Party as a whole?


Anonymous said...

The answer to question 4 is:
When hell freezes over!

Anonymous said...

Public enquiry

spike said...

...the tape which the Liberals have been using to smear and slander the Liberals...
you may want to change the second liberals to conservatives. the liberals need no help smearing themselves they do it daily.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, funny, the cbc story just mentions that white noise, not the inserted clip. And it's titled "Tories ask court to stop Liberals from using Harper tape..."

Steve V said...

James Moore, during reporters questions, never disputed that what Harper said on the tape isn't authentic, just that there was more that wasn't heard, which is exactly what they've said all along.

The real question, why are the Tories spending large sums of money, and time, to discredit something which they've always argued is entirely consistent with the one offer to Cadman? Seems strange, the tape was never damaging, right??

paulsstuff said...

Well Steve, it's quite simple. By taking a sound byte from the taped conversation what was said can be made to look damaging.

Want an example. I remember seeing Dion interviewed, stating"There is no way I knew and was aware that money was being stolen in the sponsorship scandal"

So I'm recording the conversation, and silly me, only turn on the recorder to capture "I knew and was aware that money was being stolen in the sponsorship scandal"

Need a better example? How about that little incident with the CBC reporter, who played a clip of Harper being asked a question, and then splicing an answer to a different question to make his answer look the complete opposite.

Then again, wasn't it the Liberal's who claimed the Grewal tape was doctored, and therefore could not be used as proof the Liberal's tried to bribe Grewal and his wife? That was Dosanjh and Murphy on the tape, no?

Anonymous said...

I've watched several DVD's in canada that were based on the oppression in Palestine and how the IDF kill chidren and old people .
But there were so many errors in the allegations is became a Comedy rental and a Michael Moore style Mock-u-mentary , right from the proverty stricken GAZA with the Benz's parked around the streets to the fake Hospital and cherry syrup on the gurney to look like blood.
The female with the overweight child that is starving under the Israeli oppression ( new code-word for " The-Jooooooo's" ) and is seated near a Airport and asserts that the jets are IAF fighter planes flying overhead.
The injuried boy who almosts falls off the gurney coming out of the fake Ambulance and then helps himself back on and goes back to crying in pain, and the guy in the plaid shirt who appears in about 4 scenes over a 2 week period as a ramdom sellection of Palestinians , then the generic body bags of dead Palestinians from a village where for some strange reason they are all about
5 foot 6 inches and match the coffins on display that are all new and the same size.

I still want to know why the real Tape of the Grewal's being offered a bribe by a Liberal -that said paul martin knew about- was ignored by the MSM , but somehow a fake tape is accepted when it smears the Harper camp.
I posted an opinion on the tape when it came out because the evidence given by the books author on a Radio Interview didn't match his version of events in the driveway of Harper , the context and Tense of words didn't fit , plus the story jumped back and forth from harper having a car to Harper getting in a RCMP suv .

It can't be both , and when valid harm and oppression is paraded around with bogus propaganda tools it merely paints the rest of the claims as lies and whinning from malcontents.

Steve V said...

Oh paul...

Yes, an author would play with the Prime Minister of Canada's words, and not expect to end up in jail or worse. Very, very believable. You guys are a hoot!

Anonymous said...

Oh Steve,

Three independent experts have PROVEN the tape is doctored. Spin that, moonbat.

Anonymous said...

Answer to Q1: They didn't care.
Answer to Q2 & 3: The liberals will never tell unless you follow the advice of anonymous posted at 9:23 A.M.
Answer to Q4: See reponse from grantk1

paulsstuff said...

Gee Steve, would it make a difference if The Conservative's had one of the audio experts the Liberal's used for the Grewal tape verify it's been doctored?

You remember, the tape where a current Liberal MP and the PM Paul Martin's chief of staff are on tape offering a bribe(cabinet, senate).

Would ya Steve? Hey, I know, address the CBC reference I made. LeWand asked Harper a question about the Lebanon question, then spliced an answer from another question to give the impression Harper was bashing Palestinian's, which ws the exact oopposite of his real answer.

Anonymous said...

What is authentic is Dion 'live coverage of his intentions to invade pakistan. Yet the liberals said he was misquoted mis printed mis-you name it.